The NEWS file for the Walltime package. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v4.1.7 - 8 February 2025 Changes: * Fixed a regression that broke the ability to select new weather stations for the weather widget. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v4.1.6 - 24 December 2024 Changes: * Fixed regressions that caused cleanup from previous code versions to fail to complete. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v4.1.5 - 23 November 2024 Changes: * Fixed regressions that caused cleanup from previous code versions to fail to complete. * Disabled the syslog service. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v4.1.4 - 11 November 2024 Changes: * Modified the weather widget to cope with a radical refactoring of the 'current_obs' online service by NOAA. * Fixed a host bug that caused the syslog to saved on the MicroSD chip. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v4.1.3 - 8 November 2024 Changes: * Fixed a regression that broke Push Mode in the Text Display Widget. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v4.1.2 - 29 May 2023 Changes: * Fixed a bug that made it impossible to use a Modbus device with a device ID other than '1'. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v4.1.1 - 3 May 2023 Changes: * Added File Manager functionality for wallpaper images with the capability to switch automatically between wallpapers on a set schedule. * Updated the timezone database to 2023c. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v4.0.1 - 5 June 2022 Changes: * Added a 'Weather' widget that displays current weather conditions using data from the United States National Weather Service. * Added support for Audio Meters from WheatNet Blades. * Added 'Reset to Default Image' buttons to the 'Wallpaper' screen. * Overhauled the processing system so as to be UTF-8 clean. * Updated the timezone database to 2022a. * Added an HTML version of the manual. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v3.0.6 - 6 June 2019 Changes: * Fixed a bug that caused ModBus notifications to behave erratically. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v3.0.5 - 4 May 2019 Changes: * Fixed a bug that caused Notification Alerts to fail to apply inverted polarities. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v3.0.4 - 9 March 2019 Changes: * Timezone database changes: São Tomé and Príncipe switched from +01 to +00 on 2019-01-01. Qyzylorda, Kazakhstan moved from +06 to +05 on 2018-12-21. New zone Asia/Qostanay because Qostanay, Kazakhstan didn't move. Metlakatla, Alaska observes PST this winter only. Morocco switched to permanent +01 on 2018-10-28. Guess Morocco will continue to adjust clocks around Ramadan. Add predictions for Iran from 2038 through 2090. Volgograd moved from +03 to +04 on 2018-10-28. Fiji ends DST 2019-01-13, not 2019-01-20. Most of Chile changes DST dates, effective 2019-04-06. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v3.0.3 - 9 March 2019 Changes: * Fixed a regression that broke notification alerts when the notification widget was disabled. * Implemented notification alerts when operating in the 'Analog Clock with MultiZone Clocks' display style. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v3.0.2 - 7 August 2018 Changes: * Removed support for disabling the Wired Ethernet connection. * Removed the 'Ethernet Disconnected' alarm. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v3.0.1 - 7 July 2018 Changes: * Added support for configuring wired network interface parameters via DHCP. * Added support for wifi connectivity (Revision 2 hardware required) * Added an 'Analog Clock with MultiZone Clocks' display style. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.3.2 -14 June 2018 Changes: * Fixed a bug that caused ModBus parameter for MANUAL CONTROL of the Segment Timer to fail to be applied if a '0' was entered in the 'CLEAR' field. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.3.1 -23 May 2018 Changes: * Restyled widget layout to provide a cleaner, easier to read look. * Added a 'MultiZone Digital Clocks' display mode, consisting of a screen of up to six digital clocks, each of which can be configured to display a different time zone. * Added a 'MultiZone Clocks with Widgets' display mode, consisting of a screen of up to three digital clocks, each of which can be configured to display a different time zone, along with two widgets. * Added a new 'Configure Clocks' section to the web interface, for configuring time zones and display options for all clock displays. * Added the ability to display AM/PM and DST indicators in a digital clock. * Added the ability to display the current date in a digital clock. * Removed the 'Meter Style' control from the Audio Meters configuration web page. * Modified the 'Automatic Control' section of the 'Counter web page to permit a '0' to be entered in a 'Bit' entry to indicate an unused function. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.2.0 - 28 October 2017 Changes: * Added support for receiving notifications from WheatNet LIO and SLIO devices. * Fixed a problem with count-down mode in the Segment Timer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.1.2 - 5 August 2017 Changes: * Fixed a problem where false positive Silence alarms would be generated when used with Axia PowerStation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.1.0 - 23 July 2017 Changes: * Added an Audio Meter Widget that provides realtime audio metering for up to four Livewire Source or Destination audio ports, along with integrated Clip (high-level) and Silence (low-level) audio alarms and notifications. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.0.2 - 24 June 2017 Changes: * Added the ability to detect and warn the user when the Ethernet connection has failed or is disconnected. * Fixed a problem that could cause spontaneous rebooting when interfacing with Modbux TCP devices. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.0.1 - 16 June 2017 Changes: * Introduced the concept of 'Display Styles', with the original WallTime style being called 'Analog Clock with Widgets'. A new style, called 'Notification Status with Digital Clock' has also been added. * Added support for using Modbus-TCP GPIO devices, making WallTime features fully accessible for facilities without LiveWire. * Added a new 'Digital Clock Only' widget for the 'Analog Clock with Widgets' style, consisting of the Digital Clock without the Segment Counter. * Restyled the 'Notifications' widget to match that of the 'Notification Status with Digital Clock' style. * Renamed the 'Web Widget' to 'Text Widget' and added the ability to pull updated content from an external URL automatically on a time interval. * Added the following new methods of controlling the Segment Counter: 1) LiveWire GPIO 2) Modbus GPIO 3) Integrated scheduler * Added a Main Menu item to generate a screenshot of the existing clock display. * Added the ability to generate full screen alerts upon receipt of appropriately configured GPIO notifications. * Fixed various stylistic and coding inconsistencies. See 'ChangeLog-2.0.1' for details. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v1.1.1 - 16 January 2017 Changes: * Fixed a case where the Digital and Analog clocks would get out of sync when using a fractional Time Offset value. * Fixed display errors in administrative screens. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v1.1.0 - 25 October 2016 Changes: * Added a link for the product manual on the 'System' page. * Revamped the API for the Web Widget to use the standard http PUT method. * Added a 'GPIO Widget' that allows current status for LiveWire GPIO to be displayed. * Added a 'GPIO Alert' feature that allows configured changes in status to one more LiveWire GPIO lines to generate an on-screen alert. * Added support for automatic detection and use of anamorphic video displays. * Added the ability to specify a fixed time offset (in milliseconds) to facilitate use with broadcast delay line and such. See the "Time Offset (milliseconds)" field in the 'System' page. * Added the ability to specify a 'Step' movement for the Seconds hand of the analog clock in addition to 'Continuous' movement. See the 'Seconds Hand Sweep Mode' control on the 'System' page. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v0.9.4 - 24 April 2016 Changes: * Added a Web Display widget. * Added 24 hour display mode. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v0.8.1 - 19 January 2016 Changes: * Implemented anti-aliasing for the analog clock and NTP Lock Light displays. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v0.8.0 - 18 January 2016 Changes: * Added an NTP Lock indicator light in the upper left-hand corner of the analog clock display. * Enabled password protection of configuration and remote control web functions (Username: 'user'). * Added a page to reload the web interface automatically after making system configuration and firmware changes.