2014-07-11 Fred Gleason * Initial package creation 2014-07-11 Fred Gleason * Implemented a basic digital clock. 2014-07-11 Fred Gleason * Implemented UDP remote control. * Added a 'Set Mode' ['MD'] remote control command. 2014-07-11 Fred Gleason * Implemented a digital timer. * Added 'Start Timer' ['ST'], 'Stop Timer' ['SP'], 'Preset Timer' ['PS'], 'Reset Timer' ['RS'], and 'Set Timer Mode' ['SM'] remote control commands. 2014-07-12 Fred Gleason * Implemented an anlog clock movement in 'wtd/analogclock.cpp' and 'wtd/analogclock.h'. 2014-07-12 Fred Gleason * Added ticks and digits to the analog clock in 'wtd/analogclock.cpp' and 'wtd/analogclock.h'. 2014-07-12 Fred Gleason * Made label font size proporational in 'wtd/digitaldisplay.cpp'. 2014-07-13 Fred Gleason * Implemented wallpaper for the analog clock at '/usr/share/walltime/clockpaper.png'. 2014-07-13 Fred Gleason * Changed background to black in 'wtd/wtd.cpp' 2014-07-13 Fred Gleason * Implemented an on-air lamp in 'wtd/onairlamp.cpp' and 'wtd/onairlamp.h'. 2014-07-13 Fred Gleason * Implemented a CGI control interface in 'cgi-src/'. 2014-07-13 Fred Gleason * Implemented a Javascript control interface in 'htdocs/'. 2014-07-14 Fred Gleason * Debianized the package. 2014-07-14 Fred Gleason * Tweaked 'MAINTAINERCLEANFILE' in 'Makefile.am' to remove debian package files. 2014-07-14 Fred Gleason * Tweaked 'wtd/wtd.cpp' to use no window manager. 2014-07-14 Fred Gleason * Set frame colors for the digital displays to gray. 2014-07-15 Fred Gleason * Added a check in 'configure.in' to use a window manager on non-Debian distros. 2014-07-15 Fred Gleason * Optimized resizing of the digital displays in 'wtd/wtd.cpp'. 2014-07-15 Fred Gleason * Optimized resizing of the on air lamp in 'wtd/wtd.cpp'. 2014-07-15 Fred Gleason * Added a 'LocalControl' widget in 'wtd/localcontrol.cpp' and 'wtd/localcontrol.h'. 2014-07-16 Fred Gleason * Moved wtd(8) to wtd(1) in 'wtd/Makefile.am'. * Implemented a 'make rpm' target. 2014-07-16 Fred Gleason * Added 'xdg/walltime.desktop'. * Added icons in 'icons/'. 2014-07-22 Fred Gleason * Added 'icons/walltime.icns'. * Added 'icons/walltime.ico'. 2014-07-22 Fred Gleason * Added 'walltime.pro'. * Added 'wtd/wtd.pro'. * Added ifdef statements in 'wtd/wtd.cpp' and 'wtd/cmdswitch.cpp' to allow building under Windows. * Added palette call to set black background in 'wtd/wtd.cpp'. 2014-07-22 Fred Gleason * Fixed a regression in 'wtd/cmdswitch.cpp' that broke the build under Linux. 2014-07-22 Fred Gleason * Tweaked layout for optmal display under Windows. 2014-07-22 Fred Gleason * Set a window icon in 'wtd/wtd.cpp'. 2014-07-22 Fred Gleason * Fixed bug in 'cgi-src/Makefile.am' to allow build under OS X. * Tweaked font sizes for optimal display under OS X. 2014-07-22 Fred Gleason * Changed XDG categories to 'GNOME;GTK;Utility;Calculator;' in 'xdg/walltime.desktop'. 2014-07-22 Fred Gleason * Added a configure invocation for OS X in 'INSTALL'. * Moved 'htdocs/index.html' to 'htdocs/walltime.html'. 2014-07-22 Fred Gleason * Modified 'walltime.spec.in' to use proper name for web control page. 2014-07-22 Fred Gleason * Added 'helpers/jsmin.c'. 2014-07-22 Fred Gleason * Added a 'make pkg' target. 2014-07-22 Fred Gleason * Added a 'make dmg' target. 2014-07-22 Fred Gleason * Added 'icons/walltime-24x24.png', 'icons/walltime-128x128.png', 'icons/walltime-256x256.png' and 'icons/walltime-512x512.png'. 2014-07-22 Fred Gleason * Updated icon images in 'icons/walltime.icns' and 'icons/walltime.ico'. 2014-07-22 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 0.5.0. 2014-07-22 Fred Gleason * Added an example configure invocation for RHEL 5 in 'INSTALL'. * Added an include in 'cgi-src/wtdcgi.cpp' to allow build on RHEL 5. 2014-07-22 Fred Gleason * Added a 'BuildRoot' entry in 'walltime.spec.in'. 2014-07-22 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 0.5.1. 2014-07-23 Fred Gleason * Added 'walltime.ism'. 2014-07-23 Fred Gleason * Added '-mmacosx-version-min=10.9' flag to gcc when building on OS X. 2014-07-23 Fred Gleason * Refactored 'make_pkg.sh' to place the Qt frameworks in '/Library/Walltime' on OS X. * Changed the '-mmacosx-version-min' value from '10.9' to '10.5' in 'configure.ac'. 2014-07-23 Fred Gleason * Modified 'make_pkg.sh' to use value of $QTDIR. 2014-07-23 Fred Gleason * Added 'libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll', 'libstdc++-6.dll' and 'libwinpthread-1.dll' to the [INSTALLDIR] in 'walltime.ism'. 2014-07-24 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 0.6.1. 2014-07-24 Fred Gleason * Added calls to gtk-update-icon-cache(8) in 'walltime.spec.in'. 2014-07-24 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 0.6.2. 2014-07-31 Fred Gleason * Moved installation for 'wtd' from '/usr/sbin' to '/usr/bin' in 'debian/rules. * Updated 'debian/changelog' for v0.6.2. 2014-07-31 Fred Gleason * Changed size hint to default to full screen under Debian in 'wtd/wtd.cpp'. 2014-07-31 Fred Gleason * Changed the 'apache2-mpm-prefork' dependency to 'apache2' in 'debian/control'. * Added 'libqt4core', 'libqt4gui', 'libqt4-network' and 'ntp' dependencies in 'debian/control'. 2014-07-31 Fred Gleason * Added '/etc/xdg/autostart/walltime.desktop' in 'debian/rules'. 2014-08-05 Fred Gleason * Implemented web configuration for embedded debian control in 'cgi-src/'. 2014-08-05 Fred Gleason * Corrected typos in runtime dependencies in 'debian/control'. 2014-08-06 Fred Gleason * Removed rule to restart Apache2 service in 'debian/postinst'. * Implemented firmware update via web browser in 'cgi-src/ipsystem.cpp'. 2014-08-06 Fred Gleason * Removed dead code in 'cgi-src/'. 2014-08-06 Fred Gleason * Set wtd(1) to use a null cursor under Debian. 2014-08-06 Fred Gleason * Added 'wtd.js', 'wtd.cgi' and 'clockpaper.png' to '/var/www/' on Debian in 'debian/rules'. 2014-08-06 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 0.7.0. 2014-08-06 Fred Gleason * Refactored web components for proper installation under CentOS. 2014-08-07 Fred Gleason * Refactored web components to separate CGI from static content. 2014-08-07 Fred Gleason * Updated 'make_pkg.sh' to use new web layout. 2014-08-07 Fred Gleason * Updated /debian/rules' and 'walltime-site.in' to use new web layout. 2014-08-11 Fred Gleason * Fixed a but in 'htdocs/ipsystem.cpp' that broke IP address changes. 2014-08-11 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 0.7.2. 2014-08-11 Fred Gleason * Thickened the base of the hands in the analog clock in 'wtd/analog_clock.cpp'. 2014-08-11 Fred Gleason * Added a 'Wallpaper' page to the web configuration. 2014-08-11 Fred Gleason * Tweaked Apache configuration for embedded build in 'walltime-site.in'. 2014-08-11 Fred Gleason * Increased the size of the digits on the analog clock widget in 'wtd/analog_clock.cpp'. 2014-08-11 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 0.7.3. 2015-04-20 Fred Gleason * Modified the build system to work in in-home-directory RPM build trees. 2015-04-21 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 0.7.4. 2015-04-21 Fred Gleason * Modernized autotools invocation in 'autogen.sh' and 'configure.ac'. 2015-11-28 Fred Gleason * Implemented an '--enable-embedded' switch in 'configure.ac'. 2015-11-28 Fred Gleason * Implemented LiveWire GPIO support for the on-air lamp. 2015-11-29 Fred Gleason * Implemented 'SO' and 'SV' configuration commands. * Added an 'OnAir Light Settings' page to the web interface. 2015-11-29 Fred Gleason * Implemented an 'SL' configuration command. * Added a 'Legend' control to the 'OnAir Light Settings' page. 2015-12-13 Fred Gleason * Began port to use webhost library. 2015-12-19 Fred Gleason * Added configure line invocation for RHEL 7 to 'INSTALL'. 2015-12-19 Fred Gleason * Ported timer remote control to use webhost. 2015-12-22 Fred Gleason * Got NTP and Timezone settings working. 2015-12-28 Fred Gleason * Modified NTP parameters to allow use of hostnames. 2015-12-28 Fred Gleason * Cleaned up page alignment in 'web/paperpage.cpp' and 'web/systempage.cpp'. 2015-12-28 Fred Gleason * Tweaked page registration in 'web/systempage.cpp'. 2015-12-28 Fred Gleason * Removed 'cgi-src/'. 2015-12-28 Fred Gleason * Moved 'htdocs/index.html' to 'web/index.html'. * Moved 'htdocs/ipsystem.js' to 'web/ipsystem.js'. * Moved 'htdocs/navbar.js' to 'web/navbar.js'. * Moved 'htdocs/utils.js' to 'web/utils.js'. * Moved 'htdocs/wtd.js' to 'web/wtd.js'. * Removed 'htdocs/'. 2015-12-29 Fred Gleason * Modified web components to support auto-cleanup in webhost. 2015-12-29 Fred Gleason * Added code in 'web/systemcontrol..cpp' to restart the wtd(8) process after applying system configuration changes. 2015-12-29 Fred Gleason * Modified control objects to use the 'WhCgiControl' class. 2015-12-29 Fred Gleason * Modified 'web/systemcontrol.cpp' and 'web/updatecontrol.cpp' to redirect viewer page to the main menu. 2015-12-29 Fred Gleason * Cleaned up UI flow for the On Air Light configuration page in 'web/timercontrol.cpp'. 2015-12-29 Fred Gleason * Added a sample clock wallpaper in 'icons/paravel_clock.png'. * Added a label with wallpaper size in 'web/paperpage.cpp'. 2015-12-30 Fred Gleason * Added a 'make embed' target. 2015-12-31 Fred Gleason * Added 'conf/webhost.conf'. 2015-12-31 Fred Gleason * Added 'conf/webhost.sysconfig'. 2015-12-31 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug in 'walltime-embed.spec.in' that caused the JavaScript components to be omitted from the final package. * Fixed a bug in 'walltime-embed.spec.in' that caused wtd(8) to be built in non-embedded mode. 2015-12-31 Fred Gleason * Added post installation rule to install Paravel logo in 'walltime-embed.spec.in'. 2015-12-31 Fred Gleason * Updated 'INSTALL'. 2015-12-31 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug in 'wtd/wtd.cpp' that prevented the autodetection of screen size when operating without a window manager. 2016-01-04 Fred Gleason * Updated the webhost version to 0.5.2 in 'walltime-embed.spec.in'. 2016-01-04 Fred Gleason * Added 'conf/no_screen_blank.conf'. 2016-01-05 Fred Gleason * Updated 'INSTALL'. * Fixed a bug in 'walltime-embed.spec.in' that caused 'ipsystem.js' to fail to be installed. * Fixed a bug in 'walltime-embed.spec.in' that caused 'navbar.js' to not be minimized when installed. * Changed webroot from '/walltime' to '/'. 2016-01-05 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 0.7.5. 2016-01-05 Fred Gleason * Updated 'INSTALL'. 2016-01-05 Fred Gleason * Added a 'Platform' class in 'wtd/platform.cpp' and 'wtd/platform.h'. 2016-01-05 Fred Gleason * Completed factory reset functions in 'wtd/platform.cpp' and 'wtd/platform.h'. 2016-01-05 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 0.7.6. 2016-01-06 Fred Gleason * Changed PLATFORM_DEFAULT_USB_FILESYSTEM from '/dev/sdf' to '/dev/sda'. * Added a '[Platform]' section in webhost.con(5). * Added a 'KeyDevice=' directive to the '[Platform]' section in webhost.conf(5). 2016-01-06 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 0.7.7. 2016-01-06 Fred Gleason * Updated 'INSTALL'. 2016-01-06 Fred Gleason * Added a 'sync()' call after modifying system files in 'wtd/platform.cpp' and 'common/config.cpp'. 2016-01-06 Fred Gleason * Updated the webhost version to 0.7.0 in 'walltime-embed.spec.in'. 2016-01-06 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 0.7.8. 2016-01-06 Fred Gleason * Updated 'INSTALL'. 2016-01-06 Fred Gleason * Added 'conf/10-no-gettys.conf'. 2016-01-06 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 0.7.9. 2016-01-07 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug where the currently load clock wallpaper would fail to appear on the 'Wallpaper' web page. 2016-01-10 Fred Gleason * Added an NTP Lock indicator to the analog clock display in 'wtd/ntplight.cpp' and '/wtd/ntplight.h'. 2016-01-10 Fred Gleason * Modified 'configure.ac' to make detection of Qt4 compaibile with Qt5. 2016-01-10 Fred Gleason * Enabled the 'Connection Password' section of the 'System' web menu. 2016-01-16 Fred Gleason * Updated the webhost version to 0.7.1 in 'walltime-embed.spec.in'. 2016-01-16 Fred Gleason * Modified 'src/wtd/platform.cpp' so as to perform a factory reset as part of generating a new platform key. 2016-01-16 Fred Gleason * Added code to the 'Platform::SetFactoryDefaults()' method to clear the passsword of the 'user' account in 'src/wtd/platform.cpp'. 2016-01-16 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 0.7.10. 2016-01-16 Fred Gleason * Updated 'INSTALL'. 2016-01-18 Fred Gleason * Implemented a refresh page while processing system configuration changes. 2016-01-18 Fred Gleason * Updated the webhost version to 0.8.0 in 'walltime-embed.spec.in'. 2016-01-18 Fred Gleason * Removed the logos from the web home page in 'web/homepage.cpp'. 2016-01-18 Fred Gleason * Implemented a refresh page while processing firmware updates. 2016-01-18 Fred Gleason * Updated 'NEWS'. * Incremented the package version to 0.8.0. 2016-01-19 Fred Gleason * Enabled antialiasing for the analog clock display in 'wtd/analogclock.cpp' and 'wtd/analogclock.h'. 2016-01-19 Fred Gleason * Optimized the 'AnalogClock' class in 'wtd/analogclock.cpp' and 'wtd/analogclock.h'. 2016-01-19 Fred Gleason * Enabled antialiasing for the NTP Lock Light in 'wtd/ntplight.cpp'. 2016-01-19 Fred Gleason * Updated 'NEWS'. * Incremented the package version to 0.8.1. 2016-01-19 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug in 'walltime-embed.spec.in' that caused the post installation script to exit with a non-zero error code. 2016-01-19 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 0.8.2. 2016-01-25 Fred Gleason * Updated the webhost version to 0.8.2 in 'walltime-embed.spec.in'. 2016-01-30 Fred Gleason * Updated 'INSTALL'. 2016-01-30 Fred Gleason * Updated the webhost version to 0.8.5. 2016-01-30 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 0.8.3. 2016-01-30 Fred Gleason * Added a 'Widget Layout' page to the web interface. 2016-01-31 Fred Gleason * Added display of the current IP address in the lower left-hand corner in 'wtd/wtd.cpp' and 'wtd/wtd.h'. 2016-01-31 Fred Gleason * Updated the webhost version to 0.8.7. 2016-01-31 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 0.8.4. 2016-02-03 Fred Gleason * Updated the webhost version to 0.8.8. 2016-02-03 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 0.8.5. 2016-02-03 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug in 'walltime-embed.spec.in' that broke the 'make embed' target. 2016-02-04 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 0.8.6. 2016-02-15 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 0.8.7. 2016-02-15 Fred Gleason * Fixed a regression in 'walltime-embed.spec.in' that broke the default clock logo. 2016-02-15 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 0.8.8. 2016-02-15 Fred Gleason * Reordered elements of the post-installation script in 'walltime-embed.spec.in'. 2016-02-15 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 0.9.0. 2016-02-24 Fred Gleason * Updated the webhost version to 0.8.9. 2016-04-02 Fred Gleason * Incremented the switchyard version to 0.11.3. * Incremented the webhost version to 0.8.10. 2016-04-02 Fred Gleason * Refactored NTP detection code to use ntpq(8). 2016-04-02 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug in 'wtd/analogclock.cpp' that caused QPainter errors to be generated. 2016-04-02 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 0.9.1. 2016-04-02 Fred Gleason * Incremented the webhost version to 0.8.11. 2016-04-02 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 0.9.2. 2016-04-17 Fred Gleason * Implemented a Web Display Widget. * Changed the color of the digits of the Segment Counter. 2016-04-17 Fred Gleason * Incremented the switchyard version to 0.11.4. 2016-04-17 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 0.9.3. 2016-04-24 Fred Gleason * Added a 'Time Display Mode' control to the 'System' page in the web interface. 2016-04-24 Fred Gleason * Implemented 24 hour mode for the analog clock display. 2016-04-24 Fred Gleason * Updated 'NEWS'. * Incremented the package version to 0.9.4. 2016-05-01 Fred Gleason * Added a GPIO Widget. 2016-05-01 Fred Gleason * Implemented GPI Display Configuration interface. 2016-05-01 Fred Gleason * Added support for pulsed GPI. 2016-05-01 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 0.9.5. 2016-05-14 Fred Gleason * Incremented the switchyard version to 0.11.5. 2016-05-14 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 0.9.6. 2016-05-14 Fred Gleason * Condensed the layout of the GPI configuration page in 'web/cgipage.cpp'. 2016-05-14 Fred Gleason * Changed the navigation in the 'GPI Display Settings' screen to return to the list of GPI slots after processing a configuration change. 2016-05-14 Fred Gleason * Incremented the webhost version to 1.0.0. 2016-05-14 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 1.0.0. 2016-05-21 Fred Gleason * Added a Quick Start guide in 'docs/quick_start.odt'. 2016-06-25 Fred Gleason * Stubbed out manual. * Changed the name of the 'Digital' widget to 'Digital Clock'. 2016-06-26 Fred Gleason * Added check in 'web/ipsystem.js' to prevent passwords containing non-alphnumeric characters to be set. 2016-06-26 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug in 'wtd/wtd.cpp' that caused the GPI Display widget to fail to be positioned correctly when configured to use the upper widget slot. 2016-07-23 Fred Gleason * Consolidate the 'Overview' and 'Getting Started' chapters into one in 'docs/manual.xml'. 2016-07-24 Fred Gleason * Implemented the ability to update the web widget by means of PUT requests. 2016-07-24 Fred Gleason * Added a 'Web Widget' web control screen. 2016-08-06 Fred Gleason * Added code to display the currently loaded contents of the Web Widget in the HTML interface. 2016-08-06 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug in 'web/webwidgetpage.cpp' that caused reserved HTML characters to be escaped incorrectly in the 'Upload HTML' control. 2016-08-06 Fred Gleason * Removed the URL Upload field from the Web Widget control page. 2016-08-06 Fred Gleason * Changed the title style of the Wallpaper page to be consistent with overall style. 2016-08-06 Fred Gleason * Added a link to the product manual on the home page. 2016-08-06 Fred Gleason * Updated the 'Web Widget' chapter in 'docs/walltime-manual.xml'. 2016-08-07 Fred Gleason * Modified the PUT processor to allow uploads with no 'CONTENT_LENGTH' header in 'web/walltime-put.cpp'. 2016-08-07 Fred Gleason * Updated formatting of 'docs/walltime-manual.xml' for greater uniformity. 2016-08-07 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug in display of subtopics in 'docs/walltime-manual.xml'. 2016-08-07 Fred Gleason * Fixed bugs in 'walltime-embed.spec.in' that broke the 'make embed' target. 2016-08-07 Fred Gleason * Added an XML header to 'docs/walltime-manual.xml'. 2016-08-07 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 1.0.0int00. 2016-08-07 Fred Gleason * Added a download link for firmware updates in 'web/systempage.cpp'. 2016-08-07 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 1.0.0int00. 2016-08-14 Fred Gleason * Implemented GPIO Alerts. 2016-09-04 Fred Gleason * Added a 'GpiInit' class in 'wtd/gpiinit.cpp' and 'wtd/gpiinit.h'. 2016-09-04 Fred Gleason * Added a GPIO initialization indicator on the center cap of the analog clock widget. 2016-09-04 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug in 'wtd/udpcontrol.cpp' that caused the 'PS' UDP command to fail with an argument of 0 seconds. * Changed the logic of the Segment Timer preset to remember the previous value for both count up and count down modes. * Changed the logic of the Segment Timer so that the timer is not placed into 'stop' automatically when zero is reached. 2016-09-04 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 1.0.0int02. 2016-09-04 Fred Gleason * Replaced the Paravel Systems logo with the WallTime one in 'icons/paravel_clock.png'. * Changed the optimum image size for clock wallpaper from 700x700 to 1060x1060 in 'web/paperpage.cpp'. 2016-09-04 Fred Gleason * Added a Paravel Systems logo in the lower left-hand corner in 'wtd/wtd.cpp'. 2016-09-04 Fred Gleason * Added 'docs/manual-gpioalert.png'. * Updated screen shots in the manual. * Revised the manual to discuss GPIO Alerts. 2016-09-05 Fred Gleason * Changed the final chapter in 'docs/walltime-manual.xml' into an Appendix. 2016-09-05 Fred Gleason * Added index entries in 'docs/walltime-manual.xml'. 2016-09-05 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 1.0.0int03. 2016-09-05 Fred Gleason * Modified 'web/homepage.cpp' to render correct HTML5 markup. * Modified 'web/timerpage.cpp' to render correct HTML5 markup. * Modified 'web/onairpage.cpp' to render correct HTML5 markup. * Modified 'web/paperpage.cpp' to render correct HTML5 markup. * Modified 'web/gpipage.cpp' to render correct HTML5 markup. * Modified 'web/gpiconfigpage.cpp' to render correct HTML5 markup. * Modified 'web/layoutpage.cpp' to render correct HTML5 markup. * Modified 'web/systempage.cpp' to render correct HTML5 markup. * Modified 'web/webwidgetpage.cpp' to render correct HTML5 markup. 2016-09-05 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug in 'web/paperpage.cpp' that ernerated an HTTP '500' error response when uploading new clock wallpaper. 2016-09-05 Fred Gleason * Incremented the webhost version to 1.1.0. 2016-09-05 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 1.0.0int04. 2016-09-10 Fred Gleason * Added a '--factory-default' switch to wtd(8). * Added an appendix to the manual describing how to do a reset to factory defaults. 2016-09-10 Fred Gleason * Removed debugging printf from 'wtd/analogclock.cpp'. 2016-09-10 Fred Gleason * Changed timing of GPIO scan indicator to turn off after scan timer times out. 2016-09-11 Fred Gleason * Modified graphics code to render correctly with anamorphic 16x9 displays. 2016-09-11 Fred Gleason * Modified the 'Video Output' section of the monitor to discuss operation on 16:9 display without 1920x1080 resolution support. 2016-09-11 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 1.0.0int05. 2016-10-08 Fred Gleason * Added 'AspectNumerator=' and 'AspectDenominator=' parameters to walltime.conf(5). * Added controls to modify anamorphic display settings in the 'System' page. 2016-10-08 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug that would trigger a false 'invalid password' error when saving System configuration changes with an unchanged password. 2016-10-08 Fred Gleason * Updated Paravel Systems logo in 'icons/paravel_systems-160x50.xpm'. 2016-10-09 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug in calculating manual anamorphic correction in 'wtd/wtd.cpp'. 2016-10-09 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug in positioning the logo and IP address readouts in non-1080p display mode. 2016-10-09 Fred Gleason * Renamed the 'Aspect Ratio' field to 'Display Resolution' on the 'System' page. * Added code to display the current detected display resolution in the 'Display Resolution' field when resolution detection is set to 'automatic'. 2016-10-09 Fred Gleason * Fixed a positioning error of the 'Apply' button on the 'System' page. 2016-10-09 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 1.0.0int06. 2016-10-09 Fred Gleason * Incremented the webhost version to 1.2.0. 2016-10-09 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 1.0.0int07. 2016-10-15 Fred Gleason * Added a 'TimeOffset=' parameter to walltime.conf(5). * Added a 'SweepMode=' parameter to walltime.conf(5). * Added a 'Seconds Hand Sweep Mode' setting to the 'System' web page. * Added a 'Time Offset' setting to the 'System' web page. 2016-10-15 Fred Gleason * Documented the Time Offset and Sweep Mode functions in the manual. 2016-10-15 Fred Gleason * Removed the Index section from 'docs/walltime-manual.xml'. 2016-10-15 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 1.0.0int08. 2016-10-17 Fred Gleason * Added an 'AspectMode' enumeration to 'common/config.cpp' and 'common/config.h'. 2016-10-17 Fred Gleason * Added 'Anamorphic' to the set of available Display Resolution Detection options on the 'System' page. 2016-10-22 Fred Gleason * Removed empty files 'web/layoutcontrol.cpp' and 'web/layoutcontrol.h'. 2016-10-22 Fred Gleason * Incremented the webhost version to 1.2.1. 2016-10-22 Fred Gleason * Changed font face in 'wtd/alertwidget.cpp' from 'helvetica' to 'Nimbus Sans L'. * Changed font face in 'wtd/analogclock.cpp' from 'helvetica' to 'Nimbus Sans L'. * Changed font face in 'wtd/gpidisplayline.cpp' from 'helvetica' to 'Nimbus Sans L'. * Changed font face in 'wtd/onair.cpp' from 'helvetica' to 'Nimbus Sans L'. * Changed font face in 'wtd/webdisplay.cpp' from 'helvetica' to 'Nimbus Sans L'. * Removed 'wtd/localcontrol.cpp' and 'wtd/localcontrol.cpp'. 2016-10-22 Fred Gleason * Integrated the 'urw-fonts' package into the 'make embed' target. 2016-10-22 Fred Gleason * Removed debugging printfs from 'wtd/gpidisplay.cpp'. 2016-10-22 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 1.0.0int09. 2016-10-25 Fred Gleason * Updated 'NEWS'. * Incremented the package version to 1.1.0. 2017-01-15 Fred Gleason * Incremented the Switchyard version to 0.11.9. 2017-01-15 Fred Gleason * Refactored the code for generating time offsets so as to provide correct values for both the analog and digital clocks. 2017-01-15 Fred Gleason * Moved the platform verification code to the end of the constructor for wtd(8). 2017-01-15 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 1.1.0int00. 2017-01-15 Fred Gleason * Adjusted the colors of the boot messages in 'wtd/wtd.cpp'. 2017-01-15 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 1.1.0int01. 2017-01-16 Fred Gleason * Updated 'NEWS' * Incremented the package version to 1.1.1. 2017-01-20 Fred Gleason * Incremented the Switchyard version to 0.11.10. 2017-01-28 Fred Gleason * Incremented the Switchyard version to 0.11.11. 2017-03-08 Fred Gleason * Incremented the Switchyard version to 0.11.12. 2017-03-11 Fred Gleason * Added support for automatic segment events to wtd(8). 2017-03-11 Fred Gleason * Added support for warning flashing to wtd(8). 2017-03-12 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug in wtd(8) that caused a segfault when run on a Sunday. 2017-03-25 Fred Gleason * Implemented web control for segment automation. 2017-03-25 Fred Gleason * Removed the automatic/manual switch on the Segment Counter page. 2017-03-25 Fred Gleason * Implemented sorting of automatic segments by start time in the web interface. 2017-03-26 Fred Gleason * Added code to validate segments for conflicts when adding new automatic segments. 2017-03-26 Fred Gleason * Added code to configure segment colors using standard English names. 2017-03-26 Fred Gleason * Extended segment validation code to distinguish between days of the week. 2017-03-26 Fred Gleason * Incremented webhost to 1.3.0. 2017-03-26 Fred Gleason * Fixed a regression that broke manual control of the Segment Timer. * Revised Chapter 3 of the manual to describe Manual and Automatic counter modes. 2017-03-26 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 1.1.1int00. 2017-03-28 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug in 'web/wtd.js' that prevented adjoining counter segments from having the same end time/start time. 2017-03-28 Fred Gleason * Added a 'Flash Warning' checkbox to the Edit Segment screen in 'web/editsegmentpage.cpp'. 2017-03-28 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 1.1.1int01. 2017-03-30 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug in 'src/common/config.cpp' that caused a segfault when adding a new segment. 2017-03-30 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 1.1.1int02. 2017-04-01 Fred Gleason * Added the ability to download and upload segment files on the Segment Counter Control page. 2017-04-01 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 1.1.1int03. 2017-04-01 Fred Gleason * Modified the navigation bar in the web interface to display all items regardless of which widgets are enabled for display. 2017-04-01 Fred Gleason * Added interlocking logic to prevent submission of new wallpaper for upload until a file is selected. * Added interlocking logic to prevent submission of new firmware for upload until a file is selected. 2017-04-02 Fred Gleason * Refactored the GPIO widget to use square indicator areas. 2017-04-02 Fred Gleason * Removed 'BLACK' from the color map. * Implemented the color map picker for GPIO event colors. 2017-04-02 Fred Gleason * Modified the home page menu to display all items regardless of which widgets are enabled for display. * Added a 'SegTime' class in 'common/segtime.cpp' and 'common/segtime.h'. * Fixed bugs that prevented entering of '24:00:00' as a segment end time. 2017-04-02 Fred Gleason * Fixed a fencepost bug in 'wtd/digitaltimer.cpp'. 2017-04-02 Fred Gleason * Added an additional line between the end of the segment table and the upload/download buttons on the Segment Counter web page. 2017-04-08 Fred Gleason Added a full-screen display mode for GPIO notifications. 2017-04-08 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 2.0.0rc00. 2017-04-08 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug in 'walltime-embed.spec.in' that caused the default GPIO wallpaper to fail to be installed. 2017-04-09 Fred Gleason * Added notice for features that are present only in Analog Clock Mode in 'web/homepage.cpp'. * Changed the feature name from 'GPIO' to 'Notification' in 'web/homepage.cpp' and 'web/gpipage.cpp'. * Changed the name of the 'GPIO Display' widget to 'Notifications' in the 'Config::widgetText()' method. 2017-04-09 Fred Gleason * Added controls for uploading a custom banner to the full-screen notifications display. 2017-04-12 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug in 'wtd/webdisplay.cpp' that caused the background of the web widget to turn white when an empty page was loaded. 2017-04-12 Fred Gleason * Added 'Update URL' and 'Update Interval' controls to the Web Widget Control screen. 2017-04-12 Fred Gleason * Added a WallTime logo on the main web page. 2017-04-12 Fred Gleason * Renamed the 'Digital Clock' widget to 'Digital Clock w/ Segment Counter' on the Widget Layout page. * Added a 'Digital Clock only' choice on the Widget Layout page. 2017-04-12 Fred Gleason * Renamed the 'Web Widget' to 'Text Display Widget'. 2017-04-12 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 2.0.0rc01. 2017-04-12 Fred Gleason * Lightned the 'off' color for notification indicators. 2017-04-12 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 2.0.0rc02. 2017-04-12 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug that broke selection of a graphics image for the full-screen notification banner. * Updated the default full-screen notification banner. 2017-04-15 Fred Gleason * Added a 'Screen Shot' item to the main web menu. * Swallowed the ImageMagick package. 2017-04-15 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 2.0.0rc03. 2017-04-16 Fred Gleason * Modified swallowed ImageMagick package to include just those components required for import(1) in 'ImageMagick-import.tar.gz'. 2017-04-16 Fred Gleason * Moved the Display Style control to a screen of its own. * Rearranged the order of items on the Home Page menu. 2017-04-16 Fred Gleason * Removed 'web/displaystylecontrol.cpp' and 'web/displaystylecontrol.h'. 2017-04-16 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 2.0.0rc04. 2017-04-16 Fred Gleason * Modified layout of the 'Digital Clock only' widget so that it is vertically centered in its space. 2017-04-16 Fred Gleason * Refactored 'walltime-embed.spec.in' to use the fast embed technique. * Modified 'docs/Makefile.am' so as to build the manual as part of the 'make dist' target. 2017-04-16 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 2.0.0rc05. 2017-04-23 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug that broke banner updates on the notification interface. 2017-04-23 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 2.0.0rc06. 2017-04-23 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug in 'wtd/wtd.cpp' where the Segment Counter did not take account of the time offset value. 2017-04-23 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug in 'wtd/wtd.cpp' that caused the full screen notification display to fail to operate if Notifications where not selected in one of the two widget position for the analog clock display. 2017-04-23 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 2.0.0rc07. 2017-04-23 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug in 'wtd/wtd.cpp' that caused the Digital Clock to fail to appear if Digital Clock were not selected in one of the two widget position for the analog clock display. 2017-04-24 Fred Gleason * Added a 'Full Screen' option for Notifications. 2017-04-24 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 2.0.0rc08. 2017-04-24 Fred Gleason * Removed debugging statement in 'wtd/wtd.cpp'. 2017-04-24 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 2.0.0rc09. 2017-04-24 Fred Gleason * Changed WALLTIME_FULLALERT_RESET_INTERVAL from 5000 to 3000. 2017-04-24 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 2.0.0rc10. 2017-04-24 Fred Gleason * Added an '--init-filesystem' switch to wtd(8). 2017-05-07 Fred Gleason * Added a GPIO driver for ModBus devices. 2017-05-09 Fred Gleason * Added a 'ModBus Devices' section to the 'Notifications' page. 2017-05-13 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 2.0.0rc11. 2017-05-13 Fred Gleason * Optimized the Modbus driver to poll devices once every 1/10 seconds. 2017-05-13 Fred Gleason * Implemented the 'Request Initialization' multicast message. 2017-05-13 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug where initial state of modbus devices were not communicated. 2017-05-18 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug in 'wtd/gpiinit.cpp' that caused a segfault when initializing an LWRP device with different numbers of GPI and GPO slots. 2017-05-21 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug the caused the Source Number parameter to be displayed in the 'Line' field on the 'Notification Display Settings' page. 2017-05-21 Fred Gleason * Refactored resizing code in wtd(8) to render full screen notifcations corrrectly on non-1080p displays. 2017-05-21 Fred Gleason * Tweaked the font size of the 'NTP Lock' label on the full screen notifications widget. 2017-05-21 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug that caused the NTP light on the full screen notifications widget to be distored in Anamorphic mode. 2017-05-21 Fred Gleason * Added 'conf/rasppi-config.txt'. * Modified 'walltime-embed.spec.in' so as to reboot the system one minute after installing an update. 2017-05-21 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 2.0.0rc12. 2017-05-21 Fred Gleason * Changed the value of 'SYSTEM_REFRESH_TIME' to 60 seconds. 2017-05-21 Fred Gleason * Enabled the 'QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform' render hint when drawing the analog clock logo in 'wtd/analogclock.cpp'. 2017-05-21 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 2.0.0rc13. 2017-05-27 Fred Gleason * Enabled HDMI underscan in 'conf/rasppi-config.txt'. 2017-05-27 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 2.0.0rc14. 2017-05-27 Fred Gleason * Changed 'WALLTIME_GPIO_OFF_COLOR to '#333333'. 2017-05-27 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 2.0.0rc15. 2017-05-27 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug where the wallpaper displays in the web interface would not always match that of the wallpaper actually loaded on the clock. 2017-05-27 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug that caused JPEG wallpaper images to fail to be displayed. 2017-05-28 Fred Gleason * Added an 'AutoLabel' class. * Rebased the On Air widget to use 'AutoLabel'. 2017-05-28 Fred Gleason * Removed dead code from 'wtd/onairlamp.cpp' and 'wtd/onairlamp.h'. 2017-05-28 Fred Gleason * Rebased the Alert widget to use 'AutoLabel'. 2017-05-28 Fred Gleason * Optimized web interface responsiveness when large numbers of segments are loaded. 2017-05-28 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug where downloading the segment list would populate a new page rather than prompting for a download location. 2017-05-29 Fred Gleason * Added 'Download Notifications File' and 'Upload Notifications File' control to the 'Notifications' screen. 2017-05-29 Fred Gleason * Changed the color of the 'Download Segment List' link to blue. * Changed the color of the 'Browse the available firmware packages' link to blue. 2017-05-29 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug in the 'Segment File' control on the 'Segment Counter' page that prevented uploading of a segment file using Google Chrome. * Fixed a bug in the 'Firmware Package' control on the 'System' page that prevented uploading of a segment file using Google Chrome. 2017-05-29 Fred Gleason * Changed the order of items on the navigation bar to match that of the main menu. 2017-05-29 Fred Gleason * Changed the wording of the 'Clock Wallpaper' entry on the Main Menu'. 2017-05-29 Fred Gleason * Incremented webhost to 1.3.0. 2017-05-29 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 2.0.0rc16. 2017-05-29 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug in the 'Wallpaper File' controls on the 'Wallpaper' page that prevented uploading of a image file using Google Chrome. 2017-05-29 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 2.0.0rc17. 2017-06-03 Fred Gleason * Added a 'NOTIFICATION CONTROL' section to the 'Segment Counter' page. 2017-06-03 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug that prevented Modbus notification event configurations with a line number of higher than '5' of being saved. 2017-06-04 Fred Gleason * Added logic to disable notification parameter field when selecting a notification type of 'None' on the Segment Counter page. 2017-06-04 Fred Gleason * Added the ability to use Modbus notifications for triggering the on-air light. 2017-06-04 Fred Gleason * Modified default values for walltime.conf(5). * Added code to reset Full Screen Notification wallpaper when doing a factory reset. 2017-06-04 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 2.0.0rc18. 2017-06-04 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug that caused wtd(8) to segfault when attempting to display a boot message. 2017-06-04 Fred Gleason * Added code to clear the Text Widget when doing a factory reset. 2017-06-04 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 2.0.0rc19. 2017-06-04 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug that caused wallpaper to fail to be restored to factory default. 2017-06-04 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 2.0.0rc20. 2017-06-04 Fred Gleason * Centered the text for boot messages. 2017-06-04 Fred Gleason * Removed 'Manual' mode from the 'Display Resolution Method' setting on the 'System' page. * Renamed the 'Automatic' option in the 'Display Resolution Method' setting on the 'System' page to 'Normal'. * Renamed the 'Display Resolution Method' control setting on the 'Display' page to 'Display Geometry'. 2017-06-04 Fred Gleason * Removed emphasis from field titles in the web interface. 2017-06-04 Fred Gleason * Changed 'ModBus' to 'Modbus' in the web interface. 2017-06-04 Fred Gleason * Removed emphasis from field titles in the 'Notification Display Settings' page. 2017-06-04 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 2.0.0rc21. 2017-06-04 Fred Gleason * Removed emphasis from field titles in the 'Notification Display Settings' page. 2017-06-04 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 2.0.0rc22. 2017-06-10 Fred Gleason * Removed support for 'Set Aspect Ratio' ['AR'] UDP command. * Fixed bug that broke the 'Apply' button on the 'System' page. 2017-06-10 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 2.0.0rc23. 2017-06-11 Fred Gleason * Fixed the page title of the 'Edit Modbus Device' page. 2017-06-11 Fred Gleason * Updated the manual. 2017-06-11 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 2.0.0rc24. 2017-06-16 Fred Gleason * Fixed a spelling typo in the manual. 2017-06-16 Fred Gleason * Updated 'NEWS'. * Incremented the package version to 2.0.1. 2017-06-24 Fred Gleason * Implemented an 'Ethernet Disconnected' warning in the Analog Clock widget. * Implemented an 'Ethernet Disconnected' warning in the Full Screen Notifications style. * Fixed a bug in the Modbus multicast implementation that caused initialization to fail if the Ethernet interface was not connected at startup. 2017-06-24 Fred Gleason * Updated switchyard to 0.12.0. 2017-06-25 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug that caused a segfault in wtd(8) when sending multicast notification initialization with one or more Modbus devices enabled. 2017-06-25 Fred Gleason * Incremented that package version to 2.0.1rc00. 2017-06-25 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug that caused the 'Ethernet Disconnected' messages to be displayed incorrectly in 'Analog Clock with Widgets' style. 2017-06-25 Fred Gleason * Incremented that package version to 2.0.1rc01. 2017-06-25 Fred Gleason * Incremented that package version to 2.0.2. 2017-06-25 Fred Gleason * Updated 'NEWS'. 2017-06-30 Fred Gleason * Added an 'AudioMeters' widget. 2017-07-01 Fred Gleason * Tweaked meter layout for optimum appearance on anamorphic displays. 2017-07-01 Fred Gleason * Adjusted the range of the audio meters to be -60 to 0 dBFS. * Changed the warning region of the audio meters to be -20 to -2 dBFS. 2017-07-01 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug that broke proper reading of meter configuration. 2017-07-01 Fred Gleason * Refactored audio metering code. 2017-07-01 Fred Gleason * Adjust meter positioning for anamorphic displays. 2017-07-01 Fred Gleason * Added a calibration scale to the audio meters. 2017-07-02 Fred Gleason * Added an 'Audio Meter Widget' screen to the web interface. 2017-07-04 Fred Gleason * Added visual 'Clipping', 'Silence' and 'Offline' alarm indicators to the audio meters. 2017-07-04 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug that caused disabled meters to be displayed. 2017-07-04 Fred Gleason * Adjusted meter alarm indicators to display properly on anamorphic displays. 2017-07-04 Fred Gleason * Changed the text of the 'Offline' meter alarm indicator to 'OFF LINE'. 2017-07-04 Fred Gleason * Added a feature whereby the 'Clip' or 'Offline' meter alarm can be disabled by setting its respective threshold to '0'. 2017-07-05 Fred Gleason * Implemented notification transmission for Clip and Silence alarms. 2017-07-06 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 2.0.2int00. 2017-07-07 Fred Gleason * Updated switchyard to 0.13.0. 2017-07-07 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 2.0.2int01. 2017-07-08 Fred Gleason * Modified default values for Meter settings. 2017-07-08 Fred Gleason * Reduced the point size of the font used for meter alarms. 2017-07-08 Fred Gleason * Added a 'Meter Style' control to the 'Audio Meter Widget' configuration. 2017-07-08 Fred Gleason * Implemented control interlocking on the 'Audio Meters Widget Control' page. 2017-07-09 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 2.0.2int02. 2017-07-10 Fred Gleason * Updated Switchyard to 0.13.1. 2017-07-10 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 2.0.2int03. 2017-07-22 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug in 'web/ipsystem.js' that broke the ability to apply changes from the 'Settings' page. 2017-07-22 Fred Gleason * Incremented that package version to 2.0.3. 2017-07-22 Fred Gleason * Updated switchyard to 0.13.1. 2017-07-22 Fred Gleason * Incremented that package version to 2.0.4. * Renamed LiveWire notification 'Line' parameters as 'Bit' in accordance with Telos Alliance recommendation. 2017-07-22 Fred Gleason * Altered meter layout to evenly distribute active meters across the entire width of the widget. 2017-07-22 Fred Gleason * Changed 'LiveWire' to 'Livewire' in the web UI and manual. 2017-07-22 Fred Gleason * Changed 'Node Slot' to 'Node Position' in the web UI. 2017-07-22 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 2.0.4int00. 2017-07-23 Fred Gleason * Updated the manual screenshots. 2017-07-23 Fred Gleason * Added a '"Bits" versus "Pins" in Livewire GPIO' section to the manual. 2017-07-23 Fred Gleason * Added an 'Audio Meter Widget' section to the manual. 2017-07-23 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 2.1.0. 2017-07-23 Fred Gleason * Updated 'NEWS'. 2017-08-05 Fred Gleason * Updated switchyard to 0.13.2. 2017-08-05 Fred Gleason * Updated 'NEWS'. * Incremented the package version to 2.1.1. 2017-08-05 Fred Gleason * Fixed memory leaks in the metering code. 2017-08-05 Fred Gleason * Updated 'NEWS'. * Incremented the package version to 2.1.2. 2017-08-13 Fred Gleason * Added a Wheatnet driver. * Added support for Wheatnet LIO and SLIO devices to the web UI. 2017-08-14 Fred Gleason * Integrated Wheatnet driver into the Notifications, OnAir and Segments widgets. 2017-08-16 Fred Gleason * Changed the indicated input range for WheatNet Blade IDs from '1 - 254' to '1 - 199' in the web UI. 2017-08-16 Fred Gleason * Documented WheatNet LIO and SLIO notifications in the manual. 2017-08-16 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 2.1.2int00. 2017-09-23 Fred Gleason * Updated switchyard to 0.14.0. 2017-09-23 Fred Gleason * Added a 'WheatNet Blade IP Address' control to the 'Notification Display Settings' page. * Added a 'WheatNet Blade IP Address' control to the 'OnAir Light Settings' page. * Added a 'WheatNet Blade IP Address' control to the 'Segment Counter Control' page. 2017-09-23 Fred Gleason * Modified the UI in the 'Segment Counter Control' page to hide unused fields. * Modified the UI in the 'OnAir Light Settings' page to hide unused fields. * Modified the UI in the 'Notification Display Settings' page to hide unused fields. 2017-09-23 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 2.1.2int01. 2017-09-24 Fred Gleason * Documented the 'WheatNet Blade IP Address' parameter in the manual. 2017-09-24 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 2.1.2int02. 2017-09-25 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug that caused the segment counter to lock up when attempting to count down. 2017-10-28 Fred Gleason * Updated switchyard to 0.16.0. 2017-10-28 Fred Gleason * Updated 'NEWS'. * Updated the package version to 2.2.0. 2017-12-05 Fred Gleason * Updated switchyard to 0.17.0. 2018-04-18 Fred Gleason * Added a 'TzMap' class for wtd(8). 2018-04-19 Fred Gleason * Added the TZ database version 2018d. * Fixed a bug in the TZ database reader that threw segfaults. * Added a 'zoneinfo' test harness. 2018-04-20 Fred Gleason * Added support for configuring timezone for the Analog and Digital clocks independently. 2018-04-20 Fred Gleason * Added a 'Multizones' display mode. 2018-04-21 Fred Gleason * Added divider lines to the 'Multizones' display mode. 2018-04-22 Fred Gleason * Added date display to the 'Multizones' style. 2018-04-22 Fred Gleason * Added controls to allow display of AM/FM/DST indicators and current date on the Digital Clock widget in the 'System' web page. 2018-04-22 Fred Gleason * 'Multi-Zone Digital Clocks' to the set of available styles on the 'Style' web page. 2018-04-22 Fred Gleason * Added a 'Configure MultiZone Digital Clocks' web page. 2018-04-23 Fred Gleason * Increased the size of the font used for dates in the Digital Clock widget. 2018-04-23 Fred Gleason * Add a 'Date Style' setting to the 'System' web page. 2018-04-23 Fred Gleason * Fixed regressions in Notification alerts. 2018-04-23 Fred Gleason * Updated the 'Getting Started', 'Analog Clock with Widgets' and 'Notification Status with Digital Clock' chapters of the manual. 2018-04-23 Fred Gleason * Updated switchyard to 0.18.0. 2018-04-23 Fred Gleason * Updated 'NEWS'. * Incremented the package version to 2.2.0int00. 2018-04-23 Fred Gleason * Added a 'MultiZone Digital Clocks' chapter to the manual. 2018-04-24 Fred Gleason * Fixed a type on the 'System' web page. 2018-04-24 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug that affected platform error 2793. 2018-04-24 Fred Gleason * Updated switchyard to 0.18.1. 2018-04-24 Fred Gleason * Updated the manual to reflect current UI appearance. * Fixed various typos in the web UI. 2018-04-24 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug on the 'Counter' web page that made it impossible to configure the IP address for a WheatNet blade for Automatic Control. 2018-04-24 Fred Gleason * Updated 'NEWS'. * Updated the package version to v2.3.0rc00. 2018-04-25 Fred Gleason * Modified the configuraton controls for automatic segment timer control to allow entry of a '0' in a bit field to indicate that the corresponding control line is unused. 2018-04-25 Fred Gleason * Removed the 'Meter Style' control from the 'Meters' web page. 2018-04-25 Fred Gleason * Updated 'NEWS'. * Updated the package version to v2.3.0rc01. 2018-04-25 Fred Gleason * Removed the decorations from the digital clock widgets in MultiZoneDigital Clocks style. 2018-04-25 Fred Gleason * Centered the wallpaper and alert areas in the 'MultiZone Digital Clocks' display style. 2018-04-25 Fred Gleason * Added a 'Digit Color' control to the 'MultiZone Digital Clocks' configuration web page. 2018-04-26 Fred Gleason * Added 'Default Preset' and 'START DOWN' line controls on the 'Segment Counter' web page. 2018-04-26 Fred Gleason * Added a 'MultiZone Clocks with Widget' display style. 2018-04-26 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug that broke setting the Alert display position on the 'Notifications' web page. 2018-04-26 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug that caused the incorrect multi-zone clocks to be displayed when using 'MultiZone Clocks with Widgets' style. 2018-04-26 Fred Gleason * Added a 900x150 default wallpaper for use in 'MultiZone Clocks with Widgets' style. 2018-04-27 Fred Gleason * Added support for a 900x150 wallpapaer image for 'MultiZone Clocks with Widgets' style. 2018-04-27 Fred Gleason * Cleaned up the widget layout. 2018-04-27 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug that broke the 'make rpm' target. 2018-04-27 Fred Gleason * Updated the home page description for the 'Set Display Style' menu item. 2018-04-27 Fred Gleason * Updated 'NEWS' * Incremented the package version to 2.3.0rc02. 2018-04-29 Fred Gleason * Refactored display logic to maximize clock size in 'MultiZone Digital Clock' display style. 2018-04-30 Fred Gleason * Refactored 'MultiZone Clock' web page to present clock configurations as a linear vertical list. 2018-04-30 Fred Gleason * Refactored display logic to maximize clock size in 'MultiZone Clocks with Widgets' display style. 2018-04-30 Fred Gleason * Updated 'NEWS' * Incremented the package version to 2.3.0rc03. 2018-04-30 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug that caused the default wallpaper for the 'MultiZone Clocks with Widgets' to fail to be installed. 2018-04-30 Fred Gleason * Added code to restore default wallpaper for the "MultiZone Clock with Widgets' when performing a reset to factory defaults. 2018-04-30 Fred Gleason * Updated 'NEWS' * Incremented the package version to 2.3.0rc04. 2018-05-01 Fred Gleason * Added an option in the 'Display Style' page to disable display of divider lines. * Added a setting on the 'System' page to set the color of the date string in digital clocks. * Added a setting on the 'System' page to allow the color of the digits on the digital clock to be set. * Added a setting on the 'System' page to allow the label of the digital clock to be set. * Changed the name of the 'Notifications with Digital Clock' style to 'Full Screen Notifications'. * Added a setting on the 'Notifications' page to allow the digital clock, the segment counter or neither to be displayed in 'Full Screen Notifications' style. 2018-05-01 Fred Gleason * Updated 'NEWS'. * Incremented the package version to 2.3.0rc05. 2018-05-01 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug that caused a frame to appear around the Text Widget even when dividing lines were disabled. 2018-05-01 Fred Gleason * Added a 'DARK GRAY' color to the color picker. 2018-05-01 Fred Gleason * Changed the text 'Time Zone' in the 'Digital Clock Settings' section of the 'System' page to 'Clock/Counter Time Zone'. 2018-05-01 Fred Gleason * Removed the text '(Analog clock mode only)' from the 'Widget Layout' description on the home page menu. 2018-05-01 Fred Gleason * Updated 'NEWS'. * Incremented the package version to 2.3.0rc06. 2018-05-02 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug that caused the segment counter to use the time zone setting for the analog clock. 2018-05-02 Fred Gleason * Renamed the 'MultiZone' page to 'Configure Clocks'. * Moved clock timezone and formatting controls from the 'System' page to the 'Configure Clocks' page. * Added 'Show AM / PM / DST Indicators' and 'Show Date' controls to the 'Digital Clock Settings' section of the 'Configure Clocks' page. 2018-05-02 Fred Gleason * Added a 'Segment Counter Only' widget. * Added a 'Segment Counter Settings' section with a 'Time Zone' control to the 'Configure Clocks' page. 2018-05-02 Fred Gleason * Updated 'NEWS'. * Incremented the package version to 2.3.0rc07. 2018-05-02 Fred Gleason * Adjusted the position of the Paravel logo in the 'MultiZone Clocks with Widgets' style. 2018-05-02 Fred Gleason * Updated 'NEWS'. * Incremented the package version to 2.3.0rc08. 2018-05-02 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug that caused the Segment Timer to fail to be displayed in the 'Full Screen Notification Status' style. * Ensured the term 'Segment Timer' is consistently used throughout the web UI. 2018-05-02 Fred Gleason * Fixed a formatting bobble in the page title bar of the 'Segment Timer Control' page. 2018-05-02 Fred Gleason * Updated 'NEWS'. * Incremented the package version to 2.3.0rc09. 2018-05-19 Fred Gleason * Updated the TZ database to version 2018e. 2018-05-19 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug that caused warping of the system clock to UTC to fail with older versions of timedatctl(8). * Updated manual screenshots. 2018-05-19 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 2.3.0rc10. 2018-05-19 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug that caused incorrect positioning of the alert wallpaper on TV style displays in MultiZone clock style. 2018-05-19 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug that caused incorrect positioning of the alert wallpaper on TV style displays in 'Full Screen Notification Status' style. * Fixed a bug that caused incorrect positioning of the alert wallpaper on TV style displays in 'MultiZone Clocks with Widgets' style. 2018-05-19 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug that caused incorrect positioning of the divider lines on TV style displays in 'Full Screen Notification Status' style. 2018-05-19 Fred Gleason * Updated manual screenshots. 2018-05-19 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 2.3.0rc11. 2018-05-20 Fred Gleason * Updated manual screenshots. 2018-05-22 Fred Gleason * Removed a debugging printf. 2018-05-22 Fred Gleason * Fixed a typo on the 'Notification Display Settings' web page. 2018-05-22 Fred Gleason * Updated manual screenshots. * Updated manual text. 2018-05-23 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug that caused wtd(8) to segfault when configured to use an offline ModBus device. 2018-05-23 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 2.3.1 2018-05-28 Fred Gleason * Added support for DHCP over Ethernet. 2018-05-28 Fred Gleason * Incremented 'webhost' to 1.5.0. 2018-05-28 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 2.3.1rc00. 2018-06-02 Fred Gleason * Incremented 'webhost' to 1.5.1. 2018-06-02 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 2.3.1rc01. 2018-06-02 Fred Gleason * Incremented 'webhost' to 1.5.2. 2018-06-02 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 2.3.1rc02. 2018-06-03 Fred Gleason * Renamed the 'IP Settings' section to 'Wired Network Settings' on the 'System' web page. * Added a 'Wifi Network Settings' section to the 'System' web page. 2018-06-14 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug that caused the 'AUTOMATIC CONTROL' settings on the 'Timer' page to fail to update if the CLEAR input line was set to '0'. 2018-06-15 Fred Gleason * Updated 'NEWS'. 2018-06-19 Fred Gleason * Added a 'Password' field to the 'Wifi Network Settings' section of the 'System' page. 2018-06-19 Fred Gleason * Added the wifi IP address to the display. 2018-06-19 Fred Gleason * Incremented 'webhost' to 1.6.0. 2018-06-19 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 3.0.0rc00. 2018-06-20 Fred Gleason * Incremented 'webhost' to 1.6.1. 2018-06-20 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 3.0.0rc01. 2018-06-21 Fred Gleason * Added a 'System Info' section to the 'System' page. 2018-06-21 Fred Gleason * Updated factory reset code to use Network Manager. 2018-06-21 Fred Gleason * Incremented 'webhost' to 1.7.0. 2018-06-21 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 3.0.0rc02. 2018-06-21 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug that caused the webhost configuration to be overwritten when performing a firmware update on 3B+ hardware. 2018-06-21 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 3.0.0rc03. 2018-06-21 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug that bricked pre-3B+ hardware after update. 2018-06-21 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 3.0.0rc04. 2018-06-21 Fred Gleason * Added code to force second reboot after restoring webhost configuration. 2018-06-21 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 3.0.0rc05. 2018-06-21 Fred Gleason * Added a table of Raspberry Pi hardware codes in 'README'. 2018-06-21 Fred Gleason * Updated the 'Initial Configuration' section of the manual. 2018-06-22 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 3.0.0rc06. 2018-06-23 Fred Gleason * Changed the 'Use DHCP' control on the 'System' page to 'Interface Mode'. 2018-06-23 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug that caused the 'Ethernet Disconnected' message to be displayed when the ethernet connection was disconnected and the interface mode set to 'Disabled'. 2018-06-25 Fred Gleason * Added an interlock to disable the 'Apply' button on the 'System' page if both Wired and Wifi networks are set to be disabled. 2018-06-25 Fred Gleason * Modified Modbus relaying to use broadcast rather than multicast over wifi networks. * Incremented 'webhost' to 1.8.0. 2018-06-25 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 3.0.0rc07. 2018-06-25 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug that caused wtd(8) to segfault when the wired interface was disabled. 2018-06-25 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 3.0.0rc08. 2018-06-26 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug that caused false 'Wifi Disconnected' warnings in 'Analog Clock with Widgets' display mode. 2018-06-26 Fred Gleason * Centered text in the 'Wifi Disconnected' banner. 2018-06-26 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 3.0.0rc09. 2018-06-26 Fred Gleason * Incremented 'webhost' to 1.8.1. 2018-06-26 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 3.0.0rc10. 2018-06-26 Fred Gleason * Fixed a regression that caused false 'Wifi Disconnected' warnings in 'Analog Clock with Widgets' display mode. 2018-06-26 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 3.0.0rc11. 2018-06-27 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug in wtd(8) that caused the 'Wifi Disconnected' message to be displayed when running on 3B hardware. 2018-06-27 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug in wtd(8) that caused the factory default reset to fail to restore the wired ethernet settings correctly when running on 3B+ hardware. 2018-06-27 Fred Gleason * Added a Caution note regarding use of notifications over wifi to the 'WallTime GPIO Notifications' section of the manual. 2018-06-27 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 3.0.0rc12. 2018-06-27 Fred Gleason * Updated hardware platform values in 'README'. 2018-06-27 Fred Gleason * Incremented 'webhost' to 1.8.2. 2018-06-27 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 3.0.0rc13. 2018-06-28 Fred Gleason * Added an 'Analog Clock with MultiZone Clocks' display style. 2018-06-28 Fred Gleason * Modified the Timer to stop automatically upon counting down to '00:00:00'. 2018-06-28 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 3.0.0rc14. 2018-06-28 Fred Gleason * Optimized widget initialization in wtd(8). 2018-06-28 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 3.0.0rc15. 2018-07-07 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 3.0.1. 2018-07-21 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug that caused wtd(8) to segfault when the Display Style was set to 'Full Screen Notification Status'. * Added a wifi symbol next to the displayed wifi address. 2018-07-22 Fred Gleason * Removed the 'Disabled' option from the 'Interface Mode' dropdown in the 'Wired Wifi' section of the 'System' page. 2018-07-22 Fred Gleason * Removed the 'Ethernet Disconnected' warning message. 2018-07-22 Fred Gleason * Added a 'Download current hardware configuration.' link to the 'System info' section on the 'System' page. * Fixed a regression that broke the 'make embed' target. 2018-07-22 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 3.0.1rc00. 2018-08-07 Fred Gleason * Updated the manual. 2018-08-07 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 3.0.2. 2018-08-07 Fred Gleason * Updated 'NEWS'. 2018-10-15 Fred Gleason * Updated switchyard to 0.19.0. 2018-11-24 Fred Gleason * Stubbed out a getweather(1) utility. 2018-11-25 Fred Gleason * Extended getweather(1) to fetch day and night icons. 2018-11-27 Fred Gleason * Stubbed out a 'Weather' page in the web UI. 2018-11-27 Fred Gleason * Removed support for fetching icons from getweather(1). 2018-11-28 Fred Gleason * Added weather icons from 'weather.gov'. 2018-12-28 Fred Gleason * Stubbed out a weather widget. 2019-03-09 Fred Gleason * Added an 'init_wallpapers.sh' utility script. 2019-03-09 Fred Gleason * Fixed a regression that broke notification alerts when the Notification widget was disabled. 2019-03-09 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug that caused notification alerts to be slightly mis-positioned in 'Analog Clock with Widgets' and 'MultiZone Clocks with Widgets' display modes. 2019-03-09 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug in AutoLabel that could cause an infinite loop when using very small control sizes. * Implemented display of notification alerts when in 'Analog Clock with MultiZone Clocks' style. 2019-03-09 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 3.0.3. 2019-03-09 Fred Gleason * Updated the TZ database to version 2018i. 2019-03-09 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 3.0.4. 2019-04-07 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug that caused Notification Alerts to fail to apply inverted polarities. 2019-04-07 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 3.0.4int00. 2019-05-04 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 3.0.5. 2019-05-07 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug that caused automatic reconnection to ModBus devices to fail. 2019-05-07 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 3.0.5int00. 2019-05-25 Fred Gleason * Got basic weather display working. 2019-05-25 Fred Gleason * Added a table of wildcards to the 'Weather' web page. 2019-05-25 Fred Gleason * Added a '--fetch-station-list' switch to getweather(1). 2019-05-27 Fred Gleason * Added a 'Weather Station Location' dialog to the web interface. 2019-05-27 Fred Gleason * Added a downloader for the weather station list to wtd(8). 2019-05-27 Fred Gleason * Fixed bugs that broke the 'make embed' target. 2019-05-27 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 3.0.5weather00. 2019-05-27 Fred Gleason * Reduced the default font size of text in the Weather Widget to 16 pt. 2019-05-27 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 3.0.5weather01. 2019-05-27 Fred Gleason * Reduced the default font size of text in the Weather Widget to 24 pt. 2019-05-27 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 3.0.5weather02. 2019-05-27 Fred Gleason * Reduced the default font size of text in the Weather Widget to 20 pt. * Fixed a bug in wtd(8) that caused a flashing cursor to appear in the Weather Widget. 2019-05-27 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 3.0.5weather02. 2019-05-27 Fred Gleason * Reduced the default font size of text in the Weather Widget to 20 pt. 2019-05-27 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 3.0.5weather04. 2019-05-30 Fred Gleason * Disabled the generation of remote initialization requests in the ModBus driver. 2019-05-30 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 3.0.5int01. 2019-06-02 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug that caused wtd(1) to respond to its own modbus initialization requests. * Fixed a bug that caused wtd(1) to issue modbus initialization requests every five seconds. 2019-06-02 Fred Gleason * Reenabled the generation of remote initialization requests in the ModBus driver. * Fixed a bug in wtd(1) that caused incorrect Modbus states to be forwarded via multicast. 2019-06-02 Fred Gleason * Modified 'walltime-embed.spec.in' to enable multithreaded building. 2019-06-02 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 3.0.5int02. 2019-06-06 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 3.0.6. 2019-06-08 Fred Gleason * Changed the Text Widget to use the WebKit engine. 2019-06-08 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 3.0.6webkit00. 2019-06-08 Fred Gleason * Added 'qtwebkit' and its dependencies to 'walltimne-embed.spec.in'. 2019-06-08 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 3.0.6webkit01. 2019-06-08 Fred Gleason * Replaced localized library paths with symbolic equivalents in 'walltime-embed.spec.in'. 2019-06-08 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 3.0.6webkit02. 2019-06-08 Fred Gleason * Removed support for 'WU' ['Load Web Widget'] UDP command. * Added support for 'Push' and 'Pull' update styles for the Text Widget. 2019-06-08 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 3.0.6webkit03. 2019-06-08 Fred Gleason * Disabled the display of scroll-bars in the Text Widget. 2019-06-08 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 3.0.6webkit04. 2019-06-18 Fred Gleason * Stubbed out a multi-threaded architecture. 2019-06-22 Fred Gleason * Widgetized the audio meters widget. 2019-06-22 Fred Gleason * Stubbed out the widget IPC system. 2019-07-20 Fred Gleason * Adjusted file ordering in Makefiles. 2019-07-20 Fred Gleason * Widgetized the digital clocks widget. 2019-07-20 Fred Gleason * Widgetized the digital timer widget. 2019-07-20 Fred Gleason * Widgetized the digital clock/timer widget. 2019-07-20 Fred Gleason * Widgetized the digital notifications widget. 2019-07-20 Fred Gleason * Widgetized the NTP light widget. 2019-07-20 Fred Gleason * Renabled divider lines. 2019-07-21 Fred Gleason * Widgetized the bug/address display widgets. 2019-07-21 Fred Gleason * Widgetized the banner display widgets. 2019-07-21 Fred Gleason * Added widgetized components to 'walltime-embed.spec.in'. 2019-07-28 Fred Gleason * Implemented configuration handlers for widgetized components. 2019-07-28 Fred Gleason * Implemented widget IPC. 2019-08-03 Fred Gleason * Implemented widget IPC for the Segment Counter. 2019-08-03 Fred Gleason * Implemented widget IPC for the Text Widget. 2019-08-03 Fred Gleason * Implemented Livewire GPIO support for the OnAir Light widget. * Implemented Livewire GPIO support for the Segment Timer widget. * Implemented Livewire GPIO support for the Notification widget. 2019-08-04 Fred Gleason * Implemented Livewire GPIO support for the Audio Meters widget. 2019-08-04 Fred Gleason * Implemented Notification Alerts. 2019-08-17 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug that caused the text of notification alerts to be unescaped improperly. 2019-08-17 Fred Gleason * Implemented full screen alerts. 2019-08-17 Fred Gleason * Implemented WheatNet support for LIO and SLIO events. 2019-08-18 Fred Gleason * Updated switchyard to 0.20.0. 2019-08-18 Fred Gleason * Implemented platform control on all 'wtd' and 'wtw' executables. 2019-08-18 Fred Gleason * Added an 'AX_COUNT_CPUS()' autoconf macro. 2019-08-18 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 3.0.6webkit05. 2019-08-18 Fred Gleason * Implemented Livewire GPIO initialization. 2019-08-18 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug that caused the logo bug to clip the analog clock face. 2019-08-24 Fred Gleason * Implemented support for ModBus events. 2019-08-24 Fred Gleason * Removed commented-out code blocks from wtd(8). 2019-08-24 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 3.0.6webkit06. 2019-08-24 Fred Gleason * Widgetized the weather display. 2019-08-24 Fred Gleason * Implemented weather widget configuration from the web UI. 2019-08-24 Fred Gleason * Removed superceded code components in 'wtd/'. 2019-08-24 Fred Gleason * Removed the '--enable-embedded' switch from 'configure'. 2019-08-25 Fred Gleason * Fixed a regression in the home web page that caused most sections to be missing. 2019-08-25 Fred Gleason * Updated the icons used in the Weather Widget. 2019-08-25 Fred Gleason * Fixed a regression that broke the 'make embed' target. 2019-08-25 Fred Gleason * Incremeneted the package version to 4.0.0rc0. 2019-09-02 Fred Gleason * Cleaned up warnings in 'icons/'. 2019-09-02 Fred Gleason * Adjust layout of weather widget to improve rendering on non-1080p displays. 2019-09-02 Fred Gleason * Added fields for location and credit to the weather widget. 2019-09-02 Fred Gleason * Tweaked weather widget layout on non-1080p display. 2019-09-02 Fred Gleason * Replaced QTextEdit with a QLabel in the weather widget. 2019-09-02 Fred Gleason * Updated the error messages for getweather(1). 2019-09-02 Fred Gleason * Incremeneted the package version to 4.0.0rc1. 2019-09-07 Fred Gleason * Refactored the weather widget to use webkit. 2019-09-29 Fred Gleason * Documented the '%i', '%I' and '%w' wildcards for the web widget display. 2019-09-29 Fred Gleason * Modified the Weather widget to update observation data every 15 minutes. 2019-09-29 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 4.0.0rc2. 2019-11-13 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug that caused a mouse cursor to appear. 2019-11-13 Fred Gleason * Added code to scale the base font size of the weather widget according to the screen resolution. 2019-11-13 Fred Gleason * Updated the default weather widget layout. 2019-11-13 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 4.0.0rc3. 2019-11-14 Fred Gleason * Modified the default weather configuration to include wind chill data. 2019-11-14 Fred Gleason * Modified font scaling algorithm for the weather widget to provide more consistent results across various display resolutions. 2019-11-16 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 4.0.0rc4. 2020-04-20 Fred Gleason * Added 'docs/Wheatstone_Multicast_Protocol.ods'. 2020-04-20 Fred Gleason * Added information on 'Meter' page of 'docs/Wheatstone_Multicast_Protocol.ods'. 2020-04-21 Fred Gleason * Added pages for 'E2ET', 'E2Em' and 'E2ES' packets to 'docs/Wheatstone_Multicast_Protocol.ods'. 2020-07-11 Fred Gleason * Updated switchyard to 0.21.1. 2020-07-11 Fred Gleason * Added a 'Wifi Hardware Address' field to the 'System Info' section of the 'System' page. 2020-07-11 Fred Gleason * Added a 'Units' dropdown to the 'Advanced Settings' section of the 'System' page. 2020-07-11 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug that broke the 'Apply' button on the 'System' page. 2020-07-11 Fred Gleason * Implemented MKS display in the weather widget. 2020-07-11 Fred Gleason * Changed the 'km/hr' unit to 'km/h'. 2020-07-11 Fred Gleason * Added a rising/falling indicator to the barometric pressure readout in the weather widget. 2020-07-11 Fred Gleason * Disabled WheatNet blade discovery by means of multicast messages. 2020-07-12 Fred Gleason * Added support for WheatNet metering in wtd(8). 2020-07-12 Fred Gleason * Added support for WheatNet metering to the web UI. 2020-07-12 Fred Gleason * Added an 'Audio Channels' field to the 'Audio Meter Widget' page. 2020-07-12 Fred Gleason * Implemented Clip and Silence alarms for WheatNet audio meters. 2020-07-12 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug in the Weather widget that caused the barometric pressure directional indication to be intermittent. 2020-07-12 Fred Gleason * Updated tzdata to 2020a. 2020-07-12 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 4.0.0rc5. 2020-07-16 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug that could cause the hub lamp on the analog clock to fail to extinguish. 2020-07-26 Fred Gleason * Tweaked the layout of the Bug widget to scale better on non-1080p displays. 2020-07-26 Fred Gleason * Added a '--debug' switch to wtd(8). 2020-07-27 Fred Gleason * Tweaked the layout of the Bug widget to scale better on non-1080p displays. 2021-12-29 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug that could cause remaining Notification Alerts to be obscured when one alert was reset. 2021-12-30 Fred Gleason * Fixed a regression in the UDP command processor that caused wtd(8) to segfault when adding a new timer segment. 2021-12-30 Fred Gleason * Updated switchyard to 0.21.2. 2021-12-30 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 4.0.0rc5a. 2021-12-30 Fred Gleason * Removed all '(const char *)' casts from printf() statements. * Replaced all uses of 'QString::toAscii()' with 'QString::toUtf8()'. 2021-12-30 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug that caused mojibake when processing non-Latin1 characters in the UTF-8 character set in configuration files. 2021-12-31 Fred Gleason * Reworked web front end to be UTF-8 clean. 2021-12-31 Fred Gleason * Removed support for proprietary Internet Explorer Javascript methods. 2021-12-31 Fred Gleason * Updated webhost to 1.8.3. 2021-12-31 Fred Gleason * Updated tzdata to 2021e. 2022-01-01 Fred Gleason * Added a 'Load Default Template' button to the 'Weather Widget' screen. 2022-01-01 Fred Gleason * Added code to sort the Location entries in the 'Weather Station Location' screen. 2022-01-01 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug in the 'Weather Widget Settings' screen that would cause linefeeds to be stripped from the Display Template when saved. 2022-01-01 Fred Gleason * Added 'Reset to Default Image' buttons to the 'Wallpaper' screen. 2022-01-01 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 4.0.0rc5b. 2022-01-02 Fred Gleason * Added make_license(noinst). 2022-01-02 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 4.0.0rc5c. 2022-01-15 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug that made it necessary to restart the device after making changes to the Modbus Devices settings. 2022-01-15 Fred Gleason * Fixed a regression that broke the ability to change the IP settings. 2022-01-16 Fred Gleason * Fixed layout problems where the 'NTP Lock' indicator could overlap the banner widget in 'Full Screen Notification Status', 'MultiZone Clocks with Widgets' and 'MultiZone Digital Clocks' display styles. 2022-01-16 Fred Gleason * Fixed a layout problem in 'MultiZone Digital Clocks' and 'MultiZoneClocks with Widgets' styles that caused border lines to be partially blocked. 2022-05-29 Fred Gleason * Incremented 'webhost' to 1.8.4. 2022-05-29 Fred Gleason * Updated tzdata to 2022a. 2022-05-29 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 4.0.0rc6. 2022-05-30 Fred Gleason * Disabled the initialization indicator in the hub of the analog clock. 2022-05-30 Fred Gleason * Added a 'The Weather Widget' section to the manual. 2022-05-30 Fred Gleason * Moved the manual components to 'docs/manual/'. 2022-06-04 Fred Gleason * Refactored the manual to use a separate source file per chapter. * Added custom title-page stylesheets for the manual. 2022-06-04 Fred Gleason * Changed image layout in the Manual to use absolute rather than relative sizes. 2022-06-04 Fred Gleason * Added an HTML version of the manual. 2022-06-05 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 4.0.0rc7. 2022-06-05 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 4.0.1. 2023-02-20 Fred Gleason * Added a set of test wallpapers in 'icons/testpapers/'. 2023-02-20 Fred Gleason * Added 'icons/testpapers/deploy_testpapers.sh' 2023-02-20 Fred Gleason * Roughed in a file manager for wallpapers. 2023-02-20 Fred Gleason * Added 'Upload File' buttons to the file manager for wallpapers. 2023-03-04 Fred Gleason * Added 'Activate' buttons to the wallpaper file manager. 2023-03-11 Fred Gleason * Added 'Schedule Event' section to the wallpaper file manager. 2023-03-19 Fred Gleason * Added a 'ImageSwitcher' class to wtd(8). 2023-03-19 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug in wtd(8) that cause corruption of the Wallpaper update schedule when adding or removing events. 2023-03-19 Fred Gleason * Optimized the analog clock widget to reduce the latency of wallpaper updates. 2023-03-26 Fred Gleason * Added code to automatically convert from old to new style wallpaper management. 2023-03-26 Fred Gleason * Fixed a regression in 'walltime-embed.spec.in' that broke the 'make embed' target. 2023-03-26 Fred Gleason * Updated the package version to 4.0.1filemgr0. 2023-04-30 Fred Gleason * Tweaked the titles of the subsections in the 'Wallpaper' page of the web UI. 2023-05-01 Fred Gleason * Added a set of '--reset-*' switches to wtd(8) for unit testing factory default resets. 2023-05-01 Fred Gleason * Corrected typo in NTP reset message in wtd(8). 2023-05-01 Fred Gleason * Renamed the 'Livewire GPI' GPIO type to 'Livewire Node GPI' in the web UI. * Renamed the 'Livewire GPO' GPIO type to 'Livewire Surface button GPI' in the web UI. 2023-05-01 Fred Gleason * Fixed a regression in the web UI that made it impossible to configure the Text Display Widget to use the 'Push' update style. 2023-05-03 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug in wtd(8) that could cause wallpaper activation to fail with newly uploaded wallpapers. 2023-05-03 Fred Gleason * Removed vestigial support for the 'RW' IPC command. 2023-05-03 Fred Gleason * Documented the 'WL' IPC command. 2023-05-03 Fred Gleason * Added a 'WallTime Wallpaper' section to the manual. 2023-05-03 Fred Gleason * Added a 'clock_wifilogo.png' to test papers. 2023-05-03 Fred Gleason * Added 'docs/wallpaper_file_layout.png'. 2023-05-03 Fred Gleason * Updated tzdata to 2023c. 2023-05-03 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 4.1.1. 2023-05-27 Fred Gleason * Fixed a regression in wtd(8) that could cause phantom ModBus device entries to appear on the 'Notifications and Alerts' web page. 2023-05-28 Fred Gleason * Fixed a bug in wtd(8) that made it impossible to communicate with ModBus devices using any ID other than '1'. 2023-05-28 Fred Gleason * Removed superfluous syslog(3) statements from wtd(8). 2023-05-29 Fred Gleason * Renamed the 'Livewire Surface button GPI' GPIO type to 'Livewire Surface GPI' in the web UI. 2023-05-29 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 4.1.2. 2024-03-22 Fred Gleason * Added 'docs/dst_test_cases.ods'. 2024-11-08 Fred Gleason * Fixed a regression in wtw-webdisplay(1) that caused it to fail to update after pushing new content via Push Mode. 2024-11-08 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 4.1.3. 2024-11-09 Fred Gleason * Added weather station lookup data in 'weather_stations/'. 2024-11-09 Fred Gleason * Fixed a typo in 'weather_stations/Makefile.am' that broke the 'make dist' target. 2024-11-10 Fred Gleason * Refactored the weather system to derive station data from an internal database rather than downloading it from NOAA servers. 2024-11-10 Fred Gleason * Removed support for the '--fetch-station-list' option from getweather(1). 2024-11-10 Fred Gleason * Fixed a regression that broke the 'make embed' target. 2024-11-11 Fred Gleason * Added a script in 'scripts/check_syslog.py'. 2024-11-11 Fred Gleason * Added 'check_syslog.py' to the 'post' script in the RPM package. 2024-11-11 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 4.1.4. 2024-11-11 Fred Gleason * Removed 'scripts/check_syslog.py'. 2024-11-23 Fred Gleason * Fixed bug in the post-installation script that caused upgraded package cleanup to fail. 2024-11-23 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 4.1.5. 2024-11-29 Fred Gleason * Added a 'cleanrpms(1) utility. 2024-12-24 Fred Gleason * Added a '--dry-run' switch to cleanrpms(1). 2024-12-24 Fred Gleason * Added code to wtd(8) to run cleanrpm(1) at startup. 2024-12-24 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 4.1.6. 2025-02-08 Fred Gleason * Fixed a regression in the weather widget that made it impossible to select new weather locations. 2025-02-08 Fred Gleason * Incremented the package version to 4.1.7.