Installing Rivendell 3 on a CentOS-7 System

Fred Gleason

Table of Contents

Installing the Base Distribution
Running the Installation Script
Final Details



This technical note contains procedures for installing the Rivendell Radio Automation System on a system running CentOS-7. While the screenshots are specific to CentOS-7, these instructions are also applicable to other RedHat Enterprise 7 (RHEL-7) -based distributions. Such distributions include:

  • RedHat Enterprise Linux 7.x

  • Scientific Linux 7.x

Installing Rivendell on CentOS-7 consists of three primary steps:

  1. Install the base distribution and establish an Internet connection.

  2. Bootstrap and run the installation script.

  3. Secure accounts and finish up final details.


The following items are required to complete the installation.

  • Target hardware. 64 bit (x86_64) AMD or Intel architecture is supported. For the purposes of this Note, the target machine will be assumed to have a single, blank hard drive. Installations utilizing multiple hard drives (including RAID arrays) are possible, but beyond the scope of this Note.

  • A 'Minimal ISO' installer image for CentOS-7, available at After downloading the ISO image, burn it to a blank DVD or make a "bootable" USB key using these instructions.

  • A working Internet connection.

Installing the Base Distribution

Boot the CentOS-7 installation media (DVD or USB key). You should wind up at the initial boot screen.

Highlight the Install CentOS Linux 7 prompt and then press Enter to start the installation.

You will be asked to specify the language to use for the install. Choose and then touch the Continue button.

You should then be brought to the INSTALLATION SUMMARY screen.

Touch the INSTALLATION DESTINATION item to bring up the INSTALLATION DESTINATION screen. In the Other Storage Options section, change the Partitioning selection from Automatically configure partitioning to I will configure partitioning..

Touch the Done button to bring up the MANUAL PARTITIONING screen.

If there are any existing partitions on the system, delete them by touching the - button. Then, change the paritioning scheme from LVM to Standard Partition.

Touch the + button to bring up the ADD A NEW MOUNT POINT dialog.

Pull down the Mount Point: list and scan the entries. If you see a /boot/efi entry, select it, then enter 1G in the Desired Capacity: field, then touch the Add mount point button.

Repeat the above procedure, adding the following mount points:

Table 1. Mount Points

Mount PointDesired Capacity
/var[leave blank]

After all mount points have been added, touch the Done button. You may see a SUMMARY OF CHANGES dialog asking you to confirm the partitioning. Touch the Accept Changes button and return to the INSTALLATION SUMMARY screen.

Touch the Begin Installation button to apply your partitioning settings and install CentOS.

While the system is installing, touch the ROOT PASSWORD entry and set the administrative (root) password.



When installation is complete, touch the Reboot button.

The system will reboot and come up to the login screen. Login in as user "root", using the root password that you set earlier.

Then run the command:


This will start up the NetworkManager utility.

To autoconfigure a connection via DHCP and bring it up, use the arrow keys to select the Edit a connection menu item and then press ENTER.

Using the arrow keys and the spacebar, select the desired network interface on the left, then press ENTER to open the Edit Connection screen.

Use the Down Arrow key to move the red cursor to the Automatically connect box, press the Spacebar to put an 'X' in the box and then continue pressing the Down Arrow key until the <OK> button is highlighted. Press Enter to exit the screen. Select the <Back> button and press Enter again. Finally, select Quit on the main menu and press Enter to exit the utility.

Now, set the hostname of system with the command:

hostnamectl set-hostname hostname

hostname should be all lower-case, alphanumeric and not more than 32 characters.

Once Internet access is functioning, update the entire installation with the command:

yum -y update

Reboot when the update is complete with the command:


The system is now ready to have Rivendell installed.

Running the Installation Script

Log back in as user root and run the following commands:

yum -y install wget

wget -P /etc/yum.repos.d/

wget -P /etc/pki/rpm-gpg

yum -y install rivendell-install

Three different types of installation are available. For a stand-alone setup (single, self-contained Rivendell system), start the script with the command:

/root/ --standalone

For a server setup (system capable of hosting Rivendell client machines that share the server's database and audio store), start the script with the command:

/root/ --server

For a pure client setup (one that uses a central server for the database and audio store), first create a host entry for the new client in RDAdmin on the server (RDAdmin->ManageHosts->Add), then start the script with the command:

/root/ --client

Depending upon the speed of the Internet connection, installation can take between several minutes to an hour or more. When installation is complete, reboot the system with the command:


Final Details

After rebooting, the system will come back in GUI mode, automatically logged in as user rd. To secure the system fully, perform the following steps:

  1. Open a shell by clicking on the Applications button in the upper right-hand corner of the desktop, selecting the System menu and clicking on the Xfce Terminal item.

  2. Enter the following command to get root permissions:

    su -

    You will be prompted for a password. Enter the root password and then press Enter. The password will not be echoed to the screen as you enter it.

  3. Set the password for the local rd account with the following command:

    passwd rd

  4. Set the MariaDB administrator password with the following command (substitute your password for pwd):

    echo "SET PASSWORD FOR root@localhost = PASSWORD('pwd');" | mysql -u root

  5. Remove the Rivendell installer script with the following command:

    yum -y remove rivendell-install

The system is now ready for service.